Celebrating a decade of

The Art of Living Permaculture

The First National Conference on Permaculture and Sustainability (NCPS) 2024

Venue - The Art of Living International Center Bangalore

Dates - 31st Aug - 1st Sep 2024 (Postponed, will be announced soon)

Introduction to The Art of Living Permaculture

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, one of the greatest humanitarians in the world today, decided to convert a part of the Art of Living International Ashram in Bangalore, into a lush green farm, to set an example. What separated this farm from other farms was the challenge that lay in transforming this mountainous land sans top soil, into a living jungle with abundant food supply. Gurudev wanted to show the world that it is possible to grow food on the most infertile terrain, if only we respected the laws of Nature.

In 2013, with the blessings of Guruji work commenced. Swales were dug on slopes for water harvesting, garden beds were raised, fruit trees were grown. A bamboo and mud hut was also built to provide some shade and comfort. This was all in accordance with the principles of permaculture. In a short time span of just 90 days the results were visible. The beds were full of plants, the fruits trees had started to root and grow well. Water harvesting was in progress. Through consistent application of permaculture design principles and mimicking natural systems, this 7 acre land has given birth to a variety of flora and fauna and has transformed itself into a copious food forest full of verdure in just a few years.

Today, the Art of Living International Ashram Permaculture farm houses a conglomerate of plant species and birds and is an abundant source of fruits and vegetables. We hope to transform many such landscapes and educate people about the advantages of permaculture design as a strategy for land remediation and home grown food. Being in sync with Nature, walking the Permaculture path is the only way to care for ourselves and our planet sustainably.

Permaculture Retreat Program (Both beginners & beyond together) (Coming up)
Bangalore Ashram -

Program’s Language: Hindi / English
Check-In: 20th Dec 2024 (Evening)
Program Starts: 21st Dec 2024 (Morning)

Upcoming Programs

Home Grown - Home Cooked (Online Permaculture session for beginners)

Program’s Language: Hindi / English
Teacher: Binay Kumar Ji
Time: 9:00am - 11:30am

Happy To Support: 7204236309

Interested to participate in the Permaculture Programs?