Our Impact

26 States of India & 7 Countries

Specialty - Edible Garden, Ecotourism, Jaggery, Fruit Orchards, Heirloom Grains, Indigenous Seed Savings and Native Cows

Spread Across India

Varied Background of Participants

Engineering & IT Professionals, Medical Professionals, Bankers, Managers, yoga Instructors, Finance, Home Makers, Scientists, Lifestyle Mentors, Artists etc.

1500+ Permaculture Basics

(Home Grown, Home Cooked)

200+ Permaculture Advance



Varied Background of Participants

Engineering & IT Professionals, Medical Professionals, Bankers, Managers, yoga Instructors, Finance, Home Makers, Scientists, Lifestyle Mentors, Artists etc.

1500+ acres of land holding

100 practitioners on land

30 functional model farms


Our Differentiator
  • Integration of Spirituality in Permaculture

  • Focus on Ecology based Agriculture

  • Based on Forest Science

  • Greater involvment of Urban Population

  • Homa based practices

  • Urban and Rural Visitor Experience

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
  • Increase Corporate Outreach

  • Launch Dhara Pushti Permaculture Program for High Schools students under NEP

  • Start Permaculture training courses across different Art of Living Centers in India